Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gunslinger' Player-Created Design Chosen: the Mookie Gun


In October, Aion asked players to send in their ideas for unique pistols or cannons for the new Gunslinger class--coming in Aion 4.0. Now the player-created design is unveiled: the Mookie Gun, by Liiga Smilshkalne, aka Rakesh from the Israphel server. Below is Liiga's concept art and a video of the Mookie Gun in action.

Here is the interview with Liiga more about her design, her character in Aion, and her other works.

Aion: How long have you been playing Aion? What class and level is your main character?
Liiga: I've been playing Aion on and off for a long time now, though most actively since about 2.5. My main character is Rakesh on server Israphel, a lvl 60 cleric, which is by far my favorite class in the game.

What was your inspiration for the Mookie Gun?
If memory serves me right, the idea for the Mookie Gun sprouted from late night chattering with a friend and legionmate Aedus over the Leave your Legacy announcement that somehow somewhere lead to the idea of a Mookie gun which absolutely stuck. The rest of it came naturally in the wee hours of the morning with the aid of a large cup of coffee.

Why Mookies?
Mookies are by far my favourite type of critter in the game. They're bouncy, have beady little eyes and never open their mouths if they have any, which just means they all hide some terrible terrible secrets inside. Possibly guns. Cheap Aion Kina

How excited were you to find out your design was chosen?
Extremely so! Best e-mail to wake up to in a long time. I've got Mookies on the brain just waiting anxiously to see how the gun will look in action!

We noticed you have a DeviantArt page. Would you like to tell us anything about it? Have you done any other Aion-inspired works?
I'm a freelancing digital painter with most of my currently publishable works on display at Although most of my paintings fall within the genre of fantasy, I've also done illustrations of the more sci-fi as well as the surreal persuasion, most recently for the Android:Netrunner TCG series by FFG.

Since I usually stay busy with work I've yet to do proper Aion fan art aside from a quick sketch of a legion member's character - and I suppose now also the Mookie gun - but I've done a number of illustrations inspired by another NCSoft game, Lineage 2. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do proper fan art of Aion in the nearest future - the game is just too pretty not to. Buy Aion Gold

Thanks for answering our questions, Liiga, and congratulations on leaving your legacy in Aion! We hope everyone will look forward to the Mookie Gun!

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Diablo 3 Team Deathmatch shelved, PvP dueling to debut in patch 1.07


      If you've been anxiously awaiting Team Death match mode in Diablo III, you should probably stop. In a blog update posted today by lead designer Jay Wilson, he confirms that the mode (which has been playable at past Blizz Cons, even before Diablo III’s release) is currently “not up to the quality that Blizzard gamers expect or that we feel you deserve” and that “we will be shelving it for now and exploring other options.”

    The good news is that simple PvP dueling is scheduled for inclusion in the 1.07 patch, which Wilson vaguely claims will “hit sometime after the new year.” In other words, at least eight months after Diablo III’s launch.

    In regards to Team Death match, Wilson bluntly says that the mode, in its current form, lacks depth. He explains that testers found that “simply fighting each other with no other objectives or choices to make gets old relatively quickly” and that most “didn't feel like it was something they’d want to do beyond a few hours.” He goes on to say that, though Team Death match could still see be released “in some form,” the team has gone back to the drawing board to look “at new modes that play up to the strengths of the character classes, focus on objectives beyond just defeating other players, and possibly even integrate PvE elements and rewards.” Wilson also assures that whatever mode ultimately replaces Team Death match will be released as a free update.  buy diablo gold cheap

    If you played Team Death match at a past BlizzCon, do you agree with Blizzard’s decision? And what kind of meatier mode would you like to see replace it?

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Monday, January 7, 2013

The Blizzard president officially confirmed BlizzCon 2013.

    Blizzard president Mike Morhaime in the first day of the New Year brings a surprise, confirmed through his personal Twitter Blizzard BlizzCon will be held in 2013.

    BlizzCon is Blizzard's important activities, each of the meetings will be announced the heavyweight message, such as the announcement of the new games. In the 2011 General Assembly, Blizzard released a black soul stone Videos Diablo 3 Collector's Edition. In previous sessions, the various roles of Diablo 3 is announced by Carnival, for example, announced in 2008 magician, published in 2009, monks and released in 2010, the final role of hunting magic man.

    2012 Blizzcon closure of the year, instead of the global war net Championship held in Shanghai, China. Today, the confirmation of the 2013 BlizzCon, let us have more expectations this year!

    Mike Morhaime: Happy New Year everyone! Hope to see everyone on the BlizzCon2013!

    When the news is released, players asked about specific organized by date, but Mike did not give a clear reply:
Mike Morhaime: I am sorry, we have not yet announced organized by date.

    In accordance with the time to look over the years held general carnival will be held from August to October. Heavyweight news for everyone concerned about the conference at the same time, we might work together to make a prediction.

    Diablo 3PVP system certainly in the last line before the carnival, we are most likely to see should be Diablo 3 expansion pack! Do not forget to earnings before in several important speech, Blizzard president are clear mentioned the existence of this piece of information and the expected release time. Compared to Diablo 2, this time released will not come as a surprise. If all goes as expected as smoothly, then, perhaps we should be able to see the piece of information named new career or scene introduces some completely new game system, and so on. In short, the 2013 BlizzCon worth the wait!

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