Monday, November 5, 2012

Diablo 3 monster rebound harm modification will be improved

1.0.4, the majority of players do not think that the rebound damage will be a own Farm affixes. But to 1.0.5 due to the introduction of the monster strength, a lot of players when they experience rebound injury monster fraying. As the fighting continued for longer, the players are higher rebound damage. If recovery means, equipment and programs are not timely adjust, it will be difficult to cope with.

Community Manager Lylirra said they also believe some areas for improvement in the current anti-injury, they will continue to consider how to change this affixes.

About Monster rebound injury modified

700 anti-attack, 5.1% vampire and 450 strike back.

But do not worry Edge light Armor is not necessary.

We know that this version the rebound damage property challenge is a little high for some players, so we in the 1.0.5 release have been closely watching the rebound harm the properties of feedback. Overall, the property damage has not changed, but rather because the monster strength of the system, due to the monster increase in the value of life caused.

Due to the the monster high monster strength, a higher value of life, the battle of time is not only longer, the players also need higher output in order to kill the target. Of course, this means that the probability of you being attacked anti-injury more. Therefore, in view of the patch before, players can ease kill anti injuries strange there are a lot of the value of life, is now fighting a long time, players will not be so comfortable - at least, difficult to adjust the equipment or programs.

So, we agree to make some changes. For example, such as the pet cause of injury no longer be returned to the players. We also try to changes the mechanism of anti-damage, the monster can only be activated periodically and sustained burst (not always activated), but everything is not yet a final decision.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

WOT8.0 version gold car compared to the previous version

1. T34 housing allocation is still a tragedy, six innings in 10 innings into the room ten. Nine, the Second Board of the Second Board of eight. The tofu bodywork is still no defense 175. Breakdown depth back to the tragedy, in the face of the swing angle of ten heavy tanks, long-range difficult to breakdown the ten heavy Tanzania positive. Ten selling head very limited opportunities, and greatly reduced due to the vision of the income. 360 vision to see the enemy vehicle is lit by friendly forces, a gun shot 400 damage to 200 damage only money.

2. 88 tiger hunting. Version 8.0 in the gold car, and a positive impact. Wear dark compared to the force due to the gun's rate of fire, accuracy, shrinking circle can weakness in long-distance easily hit the other vehicle, plus due to the small circle of factors caused by the vehicle weight can not install gun control mounted high light, gains in vision reason significantly strengthened following pants when 150 meters away, as long as the angle greater than 10 degrees immune 175.

Housing allocation is still giving power. Ten innings at least six innings eight room, now, as long as it will go a bit played Ashkenazi TD Jagdtiger 88 is the most earning power, no one but this vehicle Zhenlei.

3. -6, a huge negative impact gun breakdown depth was reluctant, coupled with shrinking circle and accuracy too bad, plus eight heavy tanks, and 59 were powerful defense, often ricochet no breakdown situation, revenue decreased significantly, my car from 7.5 69% winning percentage plummeted to 64%.

4. WZ111, the positive and negative also exists, greatly strengthened defense, T34 breakdown WZ positive deep end if not carefully targeted, then the same will occur without breakdown.

5. Super Pan. Slag goods, even the idea of ??open car broke no tanks and thought members in addition to the M series to make a double basically not open.

6. Lions affected medium. First under the defense to some extent on the strengthening probability an angle of 30 degrees, 200 meters away jump 175. The lower limit of the gun to some extent changed.

Main gun wearing high deep high accuracy of, damage the ability of the affected basic, strong ability to gross income, but net income is high, but 88 tiger hunting. Housing allocation situation has markedly improved in 8.0, 10 6 eight into nine into ten, but the lion-gun into nine rooms revenue better I think, after all, more than three hundred block early gold coins tanks, capacity or security.

7. KV5. God vehicles varying slag car. Cause you know.

8. Barley. Housing distribution is still not much change, gun flighty and slightly changed itch As for the defense, and Lorraine 40T "strong".

9. French coins artillery, housing allocation change, I hit forty Bureau basically went into eight rooms, mostly five and six, but gains the ability night, recreational vehicles.

10. 59 type, a positive defense tougher gun wearing deep equal low, but the advantage is that Tanzania can play side can storm daisy.

However, the earning power of the truth, this car is not as good as the 88 hunting tiger or lion style.

Gains the ability of a lot of players say 59 is the strongest, I do not know the data where income coefficients are all gold car almost basically hurt to give money, like 88 hunting tiger, lion-type, T34 this averaged 2000 damage three cars can reach, that is V gross income above 7W, while 59 is difficult to achieve, averaging 2000, unless the lighting points good in theory, otherwise is not as good as these three cars.

But this car drove worry, run fast, unlike gold, maneuvering heavy tank that is not giving power, misjudged the line easily premature death.

Letter about said the T34 coins strongest friends car, this car is simply not the strongest of the reason is that the rings and housing distribution, yes, T34 248 Breakdown depth, 400 damage, excellent pitch angle iron hand skill invincible However, we should also take a look at who we're playing, his opponent all IS 7, IS4, ten TD ten tanks, 261 class, while opponents like a lion the formula, hunting tiger 88 car, people can be -3, King Tiger, scrap metal male, wild bees ilk, which you say the name is easier?

We want peace of mind? Recommended lion style, net income is not the highest, but very stable.

Want to make money? Jagdtiger 88, if 8.2 is not canceled silver coins to buy gold coins bomb, then WZ111 is also a good choice, of course.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dark 3 Entertainment direction: Low MP Warriors mowing cyclonic flow Demon Hunter

Since 1.0.5 test Barbarian Parkour, the whirlwind is really fun. Ride in the monster group. So spend a night before combining Build and see some of my idea, bred for 1 ~ 2MP Demon Hunter cyclonic flow.

Basic shots

Found that the the monster group or elite open Leviathan and combat pet. Shift + Left press spin into a monster group, and then open the wings to put down three claw thorn stop circling around the monster. By strafing fire Rune stacking damage and claw thorn Rune damage to damage. If no blood or no hatred, go out into the direction of the blood cells turn, no precepts to open poised cycle to blame the dead. 1 - 2MP difficulty, unless your damage is really low, once poised sufficient killed the monster.

The fitted defense property damage

Nothing special on the offensive and defensive equipment selection requirements. Our passive where vengeful blood cell has a miraculous, it means the Build. A small blood cells, but also back to the blood, but also back to hatred, but also back to the precepts, than simply snake oil snake oil. So equipped pickup distance of this property is the best, however, but is not a must, there is better than no better. Precepts on, there is no special requirements, the better.

Defense properties 300 - 400 the whole anti-attacks, 40,000 + blood, the weapon 2.4 vampire, attack speed 1.4. 1 - 2MP difficulty, no pressure.

Damage: Damage on 80000 turn more comfortable.

Skills of analysis, the core idea, the replacement of some of the skills

Skills analysis

Bursts - Demon Hunter skills, each an operating mechanism much like the Barbarian's Whirlwind skill. Running skills, character collision volume can through all the monsters, but with the Whirlwind, the figures have been controlled, you can not use. Equal ability to move with the barbarians. But the barbarians also sprint initiative to increase mobile speed skills Demon Hunter can only mobile speed can only be maintained in the upper limit of 125%. Build select the first Rune Tap fire line. The core of the play is to keep around the monster circling, Rune Fire damage can be superimposed, although only two seconds duration, but can also be superimposed under cause 65% damage per second.

Alternative Rune Shadowcraft circulation and missile storm. If you find it impossible to tolerate 75% movement speed, and the damage enough, your optional the Shadowcraft flow. Missile storm, it must be in the passive skills coupled with research trajectory repair, damage caused were considerable.

Little claw thorn - core skills, precepts consumption to slow down, with the passive skills but also an increase of 15% damage, of the Build ace skills! There is no alternative in the Build. Sources on election jagged spikes cause massive damage to rely on the skills, the same injury can be superimposed. And skills when released, will not be interrupted by bursts also by passive skills are poor, the most hard-fought 15% of the additional layer vampire effect, there will be open wings. Can not stand the pile elite live +3 trap of relying on wings vampire.

Leviathan - nothing special to say, a purely not optional skills can only choose his skills. Without frequent release, but also long-term, and according to the injury skills can crit. Rune selection: hands Jianmu by icing on the cake is a lie to hurt skills can crit, with the passive skill Night Lurker back and forth precepts.

Combat pet - nothing to say. The people looked Build all know, did not take the initiative to Reply hatred skills. The hatred Reply rely on this bat battle pet.

Shadow Power - with instructions! The technology of various Build paste Analysis stickers say rotten, I do not have the nonsense.

Poised to take off - the Build the main precepts recovery sources, only by the recovery of blood cell is absolutely not enough, so the skills I selected. Rune not vote in addition to the punishment and Battlefield callus, several other depends on personal preference, in fact, no much difference.

Passive skills

Hot pursuit - claw thorns skills, and basic play is transferred in the monster group, the monster is basically a long standing claw thorn, so the passive skills can give you increase the number of injuries amount.

Vengeful - core skills, strengthen the importance of blood cells, greatly improve your chances of survival, endurance, a small blood cells, blood back, back to hatred back precepts. The tie on strafing collision, simply do not blame you physically blocked, how can the blood cells to spin it.

Passive - nothing to say, harm, archery specialization.

Special note, this is just entertainment skills, just fun, for enhancing the efficiency of your brush strange, no help.